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Performance Prediction Challenge - Results
WCCI Performance Prediction Challenge

The challenge is over, but a new challenge is on-going using the same datasets, check it out!

The five last complete entries of each participants, received before March 1st 2006, have been ranked according to the "Test score" (see Evaluation page).
The validation set labels are known since February 1st, 2006.

Erreur :
Requète : SELECT *,rank IS NULL AS nullrank, score_test IS NULL AS nullscore FROM result LEFT JOIN entry ON (entry_id = LEFT JOIN entrant ON (entrant_id = WHERE dataset='all' ORDER BY nullrank, nullscore, rank, score_test, be_valid, `date`
Average Rank Method Balanced Error Test guess Guess error Test score Area Under Curve Date Name
Train Valid Test Train Valid Test

Entry color code : Complete (all results on all datasets) Incomplete Reference Post challenge submission